核心提示:I saw the most beautiful thing ever one morning.某个早晨,我看到了世间最美的东西It was early with a slight frost on the
I saw the most beautiful thing ever one morning.
It was early with a slight frost on the ground,
and I was walking on dewy grass down to the horse paddocks
- my mind on the days chores.
Suddenly a blazing laser flash erupted straight from the ground about 15 feet in front of me,忽然,在距离我大约15英尺的地方,一道镭射闪光突然破土而出
and shot up into the sky.
It was so brilliant, clear and clean, it literally topped me in my tracks.那光芒如此耀目,澄澈而晶莹,我站在路中间,目瞪口呆
I thought the only thing that could make such a dazzling flash must be a diamond我想,那东西能发出如此耀目的光芒,只可能是一颗钻石了
- maybe someone had lost some kind of jewelry.
Or some kind of weird reverse lightning strike
I waited to see if it repeated but it didn't.
I walked slowly towards it.
There was nothing to see.
I stared down at the grass,
searching for a glint of gold or some kind of metal.
So I dropped down really close and there it was!
A tiny - no bigger than a dime - trapdoor spider's web,原来是一张活板门蜘蛛的蛛网,小小的,不比一枚硬币大多少
delicately hanging between blades of grass,
glistening with miniature drops of dew,
flashing and twinkling in a myriad of colors.
The rising sun had caught the exact angle of the dewdrops,
and that laser light had exploded up into the sky.
It was incredible and stunning,
such a powerful flash from something so small and fragile,透过如此渺小,如此脆弱的东西,却可以折射出如此强大的光芒
and I would have crushed it beneath my feet.
It was as though the unseen world was giving me a heads-up.
Hello! Look what's around you.
I've never forgotten that moment.
take some time to notice the miracle of nature that most of us never even see.大自然中有许多奇迹,我们中大多数人从未目睹,花点时间去留意它们吧!
So much beauty all around us if we would only take the time.只要我们肯付出一点时间,会发现周遭有如此多的美景!
Look at the brilliant colors and intricate patterns of tiny flowers that cover playing fields看看在孩子们玩耍的空气上开得烂漫的小花儿吧,它们的色彩如此明艳,结构如此精美
- we walk all over them without a second glance.
Watch a bee harvesting pollen .
Tiny ants going about their day.
Birds singing and fluffing their wings, being bossy.
Busy iridescent beetles and glossy lizards.
The subtle shading and colors of practically any flower on earth are breathtaking and all natural大地上,即使是不起眼的树影,还有每一朵花的色彩,都美的如此夺人心魄,不着雕饰
- if we would only notice.
It doesn't have to be a garden.
It can even be a weed flowering in the pavement crack.人行道的裂缝中,一株开出花儿的野草,也有自己的美丽
and each day discover from nature one secret beautiful thing that you can keep in your heart.每天你都能从大自然找到一样不被发现的美丽事物,把它留存在你的心里
And get your children to do the same.
it's what life really consists of.