这些与黑色有关的习语, 你知道几个?
核心提示:你知道吗,不同颜色在英语中代表着不同的意义,快来get!BLACK IDIOMS黑色习语1. Black and white1.非黑即白的To judge everythin
To judge everything as either one way or the other, good or bad.
Our boss always thinks that everything is straightforward, but he doesn’t realize that this whole situation is not as black and white as he thinks!老板想问题总是太简单。他根本意识不到情况并非向他想的那样非黑即白!
2. Put something down in black and white
To write or have something written down on paper for confirmation or evidence
I don’t understand why you don’t believe me! Look, it’s written here in black and white!
Somewhere very dark, when it is hard to see anything
We had another power cut last night; it was as black as night in our house. We didn’t even have any candles!
Used to describe something that is badly bruised
John’s face was black and blue after the boxing match.
Fred came home with a horrible black eye today, but he won’t tell us what happened!弗雷德青着眼睛回家,却怎么也不告诉我们到底发生了什么!
This means to, either darkens by putting out or dimming the lights, or to lose consciousness.
We had a huge black out here last night, the whole town was out of power for about 7 hours!
I don’t know what happened to him, he just blacked out! Maybe he banged his head.不知道怎么回事,他突然就失去意识了!也许是碰着头了。
Used to describe something that is very dirty, black with dirt
My hands and clothes were as black as a skillet, and I was only halfway through cleaning your garage!
A term used for places where goods are illegally bought and sold for a profit.Jerry used to sell cigarettes from South America on the black market!
To exclude or ostracize someone socially
Their company has been blackballed ever since that scandal was all over the newspapers.
To write someone’s name on a list if they break any rules, and ban them from having the opportunity to take part again
“I was in a lot of debt a while ago, and was unable to pay it all back, so I’ve been blacklisted. I’m not allowed to get a mortgage in my own name.”“之前我负债累累,无法偿还所有的欠款,因此被列入了黑名单。从此之后,再也不能申请贷款了。”